IADR Saudi Arabian Division Competition Awards
Submit your abstract before 02 November 2023
Eligibility Criteria for competitors:
- Undergraduate students and Interns.
- Candidates MUST be IADR Saudi Arabian division member. (For registration: www.iadr.org).
- Research must not be published internationally previously.
Research types:
1- Clinical/Pre-clinical Research: Involving research on human subjects and/or epidemiological studies.
2- Basic Science Research: Involving laboratory or animal research.
On the abstract form (300 word) and presentation (PowerPoint), the entrant must be listed first, as primary author and presenter of the abstract. Co-authors, if any, should also be listed on both the abstract and the presentation.
In order to be considered for the competition, the contestant’s research may not have been published.
• Candidates will present their research in an oral presentation format (3 minutes) and a question- and-answer period not to exceed 2 minutes).
• First winner: Certificates from the IADR Saudi Arabian Division and Free Registration and nomination in the International Hatton Competition at the102nd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, 53rd Annual Meeting of the AADOCR, 48th Annual Meeting of the CADR, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 13-16, 2024. (Travel tickets and accommodation support will be confirmed later). In addition to renewal 1 year membership.
• Second and third winners: Certificates from the IADR Saudi Arabian Division in addition to renewal 1 year membership.
For any inquiry, please contact us via: iadr.saudi@gmail.com
Submit your abstract before 02 November 2023
Eligibility Criteria for competitors:
- Postgraduate Residents.
- GP, Specialist and Consultant (Graduated within the past 3 years).
- Candidates MUST be IADR Saudi Arabian division member. (For registration: www.iadr.org).
- Research must not be published internationally previously.
Research types:
1- Clinical/Pre-clinical Research: Involving research on human subjects and/or epidemiological studies. 2- Basic Science Research: Involving laboratory or animal research. Requirements: On the abstract form (300 word) and presentation (PowerPoint), the entrant must be listed first, as primary author and presenter of the abstract. Co-authors, if any, should also be listed on both the abstract and the presentation.
In order to be considered for the competition, the contestant’s research may not have been published. Presentation:
- Candidates will present their research in an oral presentation format (3 minutes) and a question- and-answer period not to exceed 2 minutes).
• First winner:
Certificates from the IADR Saudi Arabian Division and Free Registration and nomination in the International Hatton Competition at the102nd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, 53rd Annual Meeting of the AADOCR, 48th Annual Meeting of the CADR, New Orleans, LA, USA, March 13-16, 2024. (Travel tickets and accommodation support will be confirmed later). in addition to renewal 1 year membership.
• Second and third winners:
Certificates from the IADR Saudi Arabian Division in addition to renewal 1 year membership.
For any inquiry, please contact us via: iadr.saudi@gmail.com