IADR Saudi Arabian Division Unilever Hatton Competition & Awards (SENIOR)

Eligibility criteria for competitors:
- Postgraduate Residents.
- GP, Specialist and Consultant (Graduated within the past 3 years).
- Candidates MUST be IADR Saudi Arabian division member. (For registration: www.iadr.org).
- Research must not be published internationally previously.
Research types:
- Clinical/Pre-clinical Research: Involving research on human subjects and/or epidemiological studies.
- Basic Science Research: Involving laboratory or animal research.
On the abstract form (300 word) and presentation (PowerPoint), the entrant must be listed first, as primary author and presenter of the abstract. Co-authors, if any, should also be listed on both the abstract and the presentation.
In order to be considered for the competition, the contestant’s research may not have been published.
Candidates will present their research in an oral presentation format (3 minutes) and a question- and-answer period not to exceed 2 minutes).
First winner:
- Certificates from the IADR Saudi Arabian Division
- Free Registration and nomination in the International Hatton Competition at the103rd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, IADR Pan European Regional Congress. Barcelona, Spain. June 25-28, 2025.
(Travel tickets and accommodation support will be confirmed later). - In addition to renewal 1 year membership.
Second and third winners:
Certificates from the IADR Saudi Arabian Division in addition to renewal 1 year membership.
Fourth and fifth winners:
Certificates from the IADR Saudi Arabian Division.
For any inquiry, please contact us via: iadr.saudi@gmail.com